Why Routine Maintenance is Important for Your HVAC Unit

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Your heating and cooling system accounts for nearly 50 percent of the energy costs in your home. Without routine maintenance, your HVAC system could be working harder than it has to and wasting valuable energy dollars as a result. To ensure your HVAC unit isn’t battered, your comfort isn’t comprised, and your budget isn’t broken, it’s important to invest in preventative maintenance. Here’s why it’s critical to keeping your HVAC unit healthy.

Helps Your HVAC System Operate More Efficiently

When an HVAC unit breaks down, most times it’s because the homeowner has neglected to take care of it properly. In fact, nearly nine out of ten mechanical failures are the result of dirt and rust. With periodic inspections and tune-ups of your system, you ensure the dirt stays out, the rust never builds, and all parts continue working like new.

Reduces Your Monthly Energy and Repair Costs

When your HVAC system operates more efficiently, it can save you up to 20 percent on your monthly energy bills. As it concerns the cost of running your HVAC system, there’s a 70/30 rule that HVAC professionals recommend you follow. About 70 percent of the costs should be preventative, and the other 30 percent of the costs should be corrective.

While there’s no foolproof way to prevent a breakdown in any mechanical device, routine maintenance involves periodic inspections of your HVAC system that help find minor issues that are easily fixable before they develop into major problems that are extremely costly. Although routine maintenance is an initial investment, it pays for itself over the long run by the savings you experience on both your energy bills and repair costs.

Extends the Life of Your Heating and Cooling System

As with your car, the more you take care of your HVAC system, the longer it’ll last. While the average HVAC system lasts anywhere from 15 to 25 years, preventative maintenance will ensure your unit is on the ‘older’ side of this spectrum. And it might even last longer if you take extra good care of it. Considering how much of an investment a new system can be, buying a few extra years to save for a replacement can make a big difference in your finances.

For more information about how an investment in preventative HVAC maintenance helps homeowners save, contact Custom/Design Heating & Air Conditioning at (540) 602-4119.


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