3 Ways You’re Damaging Your Own Indoor Air Quality

Having clean air inside your home is something that every homeowner should be striving towards. However, some homeowners may not realize that some of the things they are doing actually hurting their air quality. Here are some ways that homeowners may unintentionally damage their indoor air quality in Fredericksburg, VA.

Cleaning products

Some homeowners may not realize this, but many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can have a negative effect on your indoor air quality. Bleach, cleaning sprays and cleaning wipes can increase your home’s levels of VOCs.

If you are going to use cleaning products in your home, try only to use eco-friendly products. You should also ventilate your home by opening a door or opening the windows while using the cleaning products.


It is common knowledge that smoking cigarettes can be detrimental to your health, but you should also know that cigarette smoke can also ruin your home’s indoor air quality. If you are a habitual smoker, you should avoid smoking inside your home and only smoke outdoors.

Secondhand cigarette smoke will not only lower your air quality, but it can cause the members of your household to become sick with respiratory illnesses and infections. Even the vapor from an e-cigarette can be harmful to the overall air quality of your home.

Candles and Air Fresheners

While candles and air fresheners can improve the smell of your home, they can also release particles that will negatively impact the air quality. Candles can release tiny particles into the air that can cause inflammation within your lungs. Certain scented candles also release formaldehyde when they are in use, which is a very harmful chemical.

You should get rid of any habits that could be detrimental to your home’s air quality. If you are looking for services that could improve your indoor air quality, contact Custom/Design Heating & Air Conditioning to receive professional HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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